Thursday, February 24, 2011

13 weeks

At 13 weeks...
*I am SO tired.  I don't get how something the size of a medium shrimp can do this to me!
*Smells drive me crazy!
*Sweets don't drive me crazy, one piece of chocolate is usually enough.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

12 Weeks

At 12 weeks...
*I got my first prenatal massage (a Christmas gift from a family at work).  Honestly, I was not a big  fan.  I loved the hand and foot maybe I will just stick with manis and pedis!
*On Friday, February 11 we got to hear your heartbeat again and I loved it!  Knowing that you were still growing and doing well was the best early Valentine's gift!
*Over the weekend and the beginning part of the week, I started feeling crummy nauseous and dry heaving (hadn't experienced this in a few weeks).  I think it was from being go, go, go. I need to remember to rest and take it easy when possible!
*I outgrew one of my favorite pair of jeans...I haven't decided if I think maternity jeans are comfortable!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

11 weeks

 At 11 weeks...
*Not much has changed from last week...certain smells still make me queasy, fried foods still not an option, still have to pee a lot (especially at night).
*I started having some early morning insomnia (around 3:00ish).  One night it lasted 2.5 hours with me finally falling back asleep only a few minutes before my alarm going off.
*I discovered that if I stayed up a little later (10:15ish), even though I was beyond exhausted, the insomnia disappeared!
*The bump became more noticeable and unless I wear baggy clothing, you really can't deny that something is there!
*From day one of finding out you were coming, I was on a mission to find a frog lovey...I searched everywhere and finally found one.  Your daddy agreed that it was cute and the purchase was made!