Sweet Mia...you are now two weeks old and the time has gone by! You have changed so much, from being more attentive...to beginning to have a preference over certain things. Sometimes I want to yell "stop growing!"
Thursday: We did nothing! We stayed home and spent time with Daddy since he was still off work! we also did tummy time. You enjoyed it!
Tummy time! |
Friday: A busy day! We had your weight check at the pediatrician's. You were up to 6 pounds, 15 ounces. We then went to pick up Aunt Tiffy at Nana P.'s and were lucky to have Nana stop by too. We then had lunch at McAlisters and made a trip to Kenwood Mall so Daddy could get his phone fixed. Then you got to meet our friends Don, Jill, Justice, Eli and Abbi Dudley when they brought over dinner.
Hanging with Aunt Tiffy! |
Saturday: Another busy day! Mommy took you grocery shopping and we conquered three stores...you slept the whole time which made it pretty easy! Mommy learned that Kroger has the biggest shopping carts, when it comes to sharing it with a car seat! That night we had Chandler and Sarah's baby shower...everyone was amazed that you slept the entire time we were there (almost 3 hours). After leaving, we were again headed to Kenwood mall and Mommy had to pump in the car. Then you woke up at the mall and Mommy had to feed you in the bathroom stall...this was quite interesting. We finished the night by stopping at Robert's birthday party...Mommy and Daddy's friends were shocked to see us out and about!
Grocery shopping...I slept through it all! |
Sunday: We went to church and you got to meet all of our friends! Everyone thought you were so cute! We then had lunch with Nana P. and Aunt Tiffy. We had to say bye to Aunt Tiffy as she was headed back to NYC the next day. Shante and Jenna came over to visit and Aunt Sara took my pictures! Daddy had to go back to work...I think it was harder for him than for Mommy.
Mommy and Daddy's favorite picture that Aunt Sara took. |
Monday: A day of nothing again! Daddy was sad that you would not wake up before he went to bed.
I've become a messy eater...so Mommy makes me wear bibs! |
Tuesday: Seth came over to play while Gigi had a doctor appointment. We then went to meet Pappy at Ikea for lunch and then to Creme to see Mommy's friends...everyone loved you, even all the kids. Luke asked if you were real because you were not moving!
Daddy changing my diaper. He does quite well, except he gets a little scared by the poopy ones. |
Wednesday: Mommy took you for a walk in the Ergo (just to the management office to pay rent and mail some bills.) We also used the Ergo while Mommy made dinner because you wanted to cuddle.
Looks like I'm blowing kisses! |
Personality traits:
You are still such a content baby...you sleep 4-5 hours at a time and then up for 1-2 hours...then repeat! You love cuddling with your daddy each night and you two have such a special bond!
A mommy note:
I can wear my pre-pregnancy Old Navy stretch jeans!!!! This makes me so happy :) Pumping/breastfeeding is going great...I produce more than enough milk, so we have a great amount of milk already frozen and stored for when I go back to work.
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