You have hit that milestone where I consider you no longer a newborn :(
Thursday: Nothing big happened, just chilled!
Friday: My one month appointment! Stats: 8 pounds, 10 ounces (50%); 21 inches (50%), head 98%! The doctor said I was perfect...she warned mommy and daddy that I'm a mover and I'm not to be trusted! I got one shot and took it like a champ!
Saturday: A big and exciting day! We started the day by going to a highway dedication for Mommy and Daddy's friend Taylor who died in the war. We then hung out with Nana P. at Kenwood Mall, McAlisters for lunch and then back to her house. Mommy assembled my swing/seat and pack-n-play for Nana P. After that we headed to Ricky and Dawn's for Dawn's birthday. I got held a lot and played with my friends Wilson and Hadassah.
Sunday: Church again and I was up for part of it and Nana P. held me. Mommy and I then delivered food to Ms. Bobbi as part of the outward focused celebration.
Monday: Mommy and Daddy took me to one of their crazy creative meetings again! Daddy ended up coming down with a bad cold that night and from Monday-Wednesday I had no real contact with him :(
Tuesday: I went to the zoo for the first time with Mommy, Gigi, Seth, Sara and the girls she nannys. I slept and ate through most of the zoo...but I definitely woke up to the blue shiny lights in the cat house...I was beyond fascinated by them.
Wednesday: Mommy had a doctor's appointment and every was in awe with me. We then went to Creme and saw all of Mommy's friends who again were in awe with me! We closed out the night by going to dinner with Gigi and Sara at Cheesecake Factory in honor of Mimi. I had a huge blowout that got everywhere (Mommy doesn't know if my onesie can be saved!)
Personality: Mia is on a great schedule. She eats every 4 hours, getting 6 oz bottles and nurses once during the night. She sleeps for anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours in between feedings and usually sleeps for a 6 hour stretch during the night! Not having time with Daddy this week was rough. She would hear his voice and look everywhere.
Mommy note: I have 900 ounces of milk that I have frozen!!!!!!! Our freezer is full of what we use everyday, plus there is a ton at Gigi and Pappy's. This week has been difficult knowing that it is my last at home. I am ready for adult interaction, but not ready to leave my baby girl all day! I know that her daddy, Gigi, and Nana P. will take great care of her, but they are not Mommy! I had my doctor's visit and all is well!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
5 weeks
My sweet little girl continues to grow and is now 5 weeks old!
Thursday...Mia met her great grandpa and great grandma. She is a lucky girl to have 3 great grandparents.
Friday...we like these days because we get to chill with Daddy, as he stays up later since he doesn't have to work the next day. We also ventured to Goodwill again! Mommy was on the hunt for new work pants that will fit for her return to work.
Saturday...Mommy took me to my first outreach block party. I had so much fun sleeping through it all! church we went again! This time I was awake for some of it. My Nana P. held me through a large part of the celebration. Today Mommy and Daddy started giving me bottles throughout the day as Mommy returns to work soon and wants to figure out how much I eat. I also got to meet my new friend Isaiah and we went to lunch with him and other Compass peeps.
Monday...Big day for Mommy! She went to a meeting and left me with Daddy for over 2 hours. Daddy did fine, but Mommy was a little crazy and went control-freak when giving Daddy instructions.
Tuesday...Seth came over to play with me and Gigi held me!
Wednesday...Mommy and I chilled all day!
Personality traits...
This girl still does not like bath...even with a paci, she spends most of the time screaming! She has become a bit of a night owl staying up until 12:00ish each night...making this momma crazy for bed. She loves her daddy...something about their bond. I melt watching them together each day.
Mommy notes...
Almost 600 ounces of milk frozen! This seems like a lot, but with her eating four 6 ounce bottles a day, this will go quick! With my return to work in a week and a half, I am starting to have some anxiety...over leaving my girl, will she feel neglected, what if she gets sick. I know that between her Daddy, Gigi, and Nana P. she will be well cared for, but they are not her mommy. On the other side, I am excited to go back to work and know that I will have daily adult interactions!
Thursday...Mia met her great grandpa and great grandma. She is a lucky girl to have 3 great grandparents.
Friday...we like these days because we get to chill with Daddy, as he stays up later since he doesn't have to work the next day. We also ventured to Goodwill again! Mommy was on the hunt for new work pants that will fit for her return to work.
Saturday...Mommy took me to my first outreach block party. I had so much fun sleeping through it all!
Cuddling with one of my frog loveys! |
Mommy loves how all my curls come out after a bath! |
Josh holding me and Jenn holding Isaiah...they look good huh :) |
I turned one month old! |
Tuesday...Seth came over to play with me and Gigi held me!
Wednesday...Mommy and I chilled all day!
Bottle time! |
Personality traits...
This girl still does not like bath...even with a paci, she spends most of the time screaming! She has become a bit of a night owl staying up until 12:00ish each night...making this momma crazy for bed. She loves her daddy...something about their bond. I melt watching them together each day.
Mommy notes...
Almost 600 ounces of milk frozen! This seems like a lot, but with her eating four 6 ounce bottles a day, this will go quick! With my return to work in a week and a half, I am starting to have some anxiety...over leaving my girl, will she feel neglected, what if she gets sick. I know that between her Daddy, Gigi, and Nana P. she will be well cared for, but they are not her mommy. On the other side, I am excited to go back to work and know that I will have daily adult interactions!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mia...4 weeks
My sweet little girl is now 4 weeks old...where has the time gone?
We headed to a brunch at Crossroads. All was going well until Mommy realized it was nap time and she had forgotten my paci and there was no extra in the diaper bag! This resulted in us leaving early as I was getting cranky and a little loud.
Thursday night we headed to Gigi and Pappy's to meet Papa...I loved him! Plus Gigi got to feed me my bottle!
Daddy tried to stay awake and hang with us...he lasted until lunch time. Mommy and I were then headed to the store, but Uncle Icky called and needed us to rescue him...he had locked his keys in the car at work and with Gigi and Pappy out of town we had to go!
Grocery shopping again...I slept through it all again so it made it easy for Mommy. Saturday night Mommy and Daddy had a couples movie night at church. Shante hung out with me for a little bit but since I was the only kid, Mommy came and got me (plus Mommy was having a little bit of an issue with me being out of sight.)
We went to church...again I slept through it! (I'm quite good at that!) We then came home and watched the Bengals first regular season game and they won! This made Mommy and Daddy happy; I'm not sure what all this football fuss is about.
I went to my first Compass creative team meeting...those people are crazy!
Mommy had to run to the store for a few things and she brought the Ergo this much easier to shop!
We went to Creme again to visit all of Mommy's friends...those adults and the kids go crazy when I come. Plus I got to meet Willie and Callie.
Personality notes: Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we slept for 7 hours straight!!!!! Mia loves her daddy, something about him calms her and it's quite a special bond. Mia has mild reflux (though we haven't been to the doctor yet.) She has trouble burping after feedings and this results in HUGE spit ups later. We have been trying really hard to get her to burp (sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes to get one burp.) It's been going pretty good. The good thing is...1. The spit up never bothers tears and she just continues to do what she was doing. 2. It's not consistent...usually once a day if not less.
Mommy notes: With 2.5 weeks left until I go back to work, I have 500 ounces of milk frozen! We are going to start introducing the bottles throughout the large part of the day starting next week. I want to make sure she eats enough when getting the bottles all day (I still plan on nursing at night and first thing in the morning.)
We headed to a brunch at Crossroads. All was going well until Mommy realized it was nap time and she had forgotten my paci and there was no extra in the diaper bag! This resulted in us leaving early as I was getting cranky and a little loud.
Thursday night we headed to Gigi and Pappy's to meet Papa...I loved him! Plus Gigi got to feed me my bottle!
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I got to meet my Papa. |
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I was a great baby while he held me and loved on me...I'm lucky to have a fun great-grandpa! |
Daddy tried to stay awake and hang with us...he lasted until lunch time. Mommy and I were then headed to the store, but Uncle Icky called and needed us to rescue him...he had locked his keys in the car at work and with Gigi and Pappy out of town we had to go!
In my cool onesie...we sent this pic to all my Aunts! |
Mommy loves to smother me with kisses! |
Grocery shopping again...I slept through it all again so it made it easy for Mommy. Saturday night Mommy and Daddy had a couples movie night at church. Shante hung out with me for a little bit but since I was the only kid, Mommy came and got me (plus Mommy was having a little bit of an issue with me being out of sight.)
We went to church...again I slept through it! (I'm quite good at that!) We then came home and watched the Bengals first regular season game and they won! This made Mommy and Daddy happy; I'm not sure what all this football fuss is about.
Wearing my lovely dress that the Roblings had gotten for me. |
I went to my first Compass creative team meeting...those people are crazy!
I was a little needy and wanted Mommy in sight at all times...she needed to do dishes, so this was the solution. |
Mommy had to run to the store for a few things and she brought the Ergo this much easier to shop!
We went to Creme again to visit all of Mommy's friends...those adults and the kids go crazy when I come. Plus I got to meet Willie and Callie.
Personality notes: Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we slept for 7 hours straight!!!!! Mia loves her daddy, something about him calms her and it's quite a special bond. Mia has mild reflux (though we haven't been to the doctor yet.) She has trouble burping after feedings and this results in HUGE spit ups later. We have been trying really hard to get her to burp (sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes to get one burp.) It's been going pretty good. The good thing is...1. The spit up never bothers tears and she just continues to do what she was doing. 2. It's not consistent...usually once a day if not less.
Mommy notes: With 2.5 weeks left until I go back to work, I have 500 ounces of milk frozen! We are going to start introducing the bottles throughout the large part of the day starting next week. I want to make sure she eats enough when getting the bottles all day (I still plan on nursing at night and first thing in the morning.)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
3 weeks
Mia...please stop growing! You are three weeks and the time seems to be flying by!
Chillin at home. Mommy enjoys playing on the floor with you! |
Sunday: To church we went again and you slept through it all again! Aunt Sara and Uncle Seth came over that night (plus a quick visit from Gigi and Pappy!) Aunt Sara took pictures as Mommy gave you a bath and then Uncle Seth fed you your bedtime bottle!
Monday: Mommy took you for your first trip to Goodwill (there will be many more in the years to come!) Mommy and you then had dinner at Gigi and Pappy's (your first visit to their house!) You did not really seem to mind the dogs and cats. Uncle Icky held you for the first time...we are getting ready to say goodbye as he heads to YWAM in Louisville for 3 months.
Tuesday: Daddy and Mommy had a breakfast date at Chick-Fil-A and you slept through most of it. Uncle Seth came over for the afternoon and after cleaning up a blowout and a huge, messy spit-up we went to the playground. Mommy sat on the swing with you bundled in the Ergo and you slept oh so peacefully. When we got home, you wake up and seemed a little grumpy. Uncle Seth was a big help, giving you the paci and holding you to calm you down.
At the park...on the swing...all bundled up...sound asleep! |
Uncle Seth holding you! |
All clean after my bath...look closely and you can see my curls trying to come out! |
When you do these hand things, Daddy says you are throwing up gang symbols! |
Wednesday: Mommy took you to one of her favorite places...the library! We also discovered that they have a mommy and baby story time every Wednesday, so if you are awake we may venture there in the next couple weeks.
More floor chillin time with Mommy! |
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Mia...2 weeks old
Thursday: We did nothing! We stayed home and spent time with Daddy since he was still off work! we also did tummy time. You enjoyed it!
Tummy time! |
Hanging with Aunt Tiffy! |
Grocery shopping...I slept through it all! |
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Mommy and Daddy's favorite picture that Aunt Sara took. |
I've become a messy Mommy makes me wear bibs! |
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Daddy changing my diaper. He does quite well, except he gets a little scared by the poopy ones. |
Looks like I'm blowing kisses! |
Personality traits:
You are still such a content sleep 4-5 hours at a time and then up for 1-2 hours...then repeat! You love cuddling with your daddy each night and you two have such a special bond!
A mommy note:
I can wear my pre-pregnancy Old Navy stretch jeans!!!! This makes me so happy :) Pumping/breastfeeding is going great...I produce more than enough milk, so we have a great amount of milk already frozen and stored for when I go back to work.
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