Thursday, August 25, 2011

One week

I can't believe my baby is a week old!  Honestly it feels like only yesterday we were making our way to the hospital for this one's upcoming arrival.

Thursday: Mia was born!  The day was exciting and happy (minus 8 hours of labor!)

Friday: We were in the hospital.  We had visits from Ricky and Dawn, Nana and Pops, and the Suleks.  Plus Pappy and Uncle Dicky came to visit!

Saturday:  We went home!  Mommy and Daddy were much more excited by this one than you were!  You also got to meet Caidan, Kloe, and Seth.

Sunday:  We took our first adventure as a family to Target!
Mommy loves me in a headband!
Monday:  The home nurse came for a visit.  We went to Jungle Jim's to get some lunch!  We chilled at home and said bye to Aunt Kalla, as she was heading home :(
All warm and cuddly in my legwarmers!
Tuesday: We met our pediatrician, who said you were perfect and confirmed how content and easygoing you are.  Mommy and you also did our first solo trip to Target.  It was a piece of a cake!  You met our good friend Wilson, he thinks you're pretty special!  Aunt Tiffy came into town!  You slept the whole afternoon that she was here visiting.  Daddy also gave you your first bottle before bed and you did a great job!  You drank 1.5 of the 2 ounces we gave you!
Happy and content after a feeding
My first bottle with Daddy.  Daddy was so excited to get to do this!
Wednesday: We had no plans and no was quite relaxing!  We continued the ritual of daddy giving you a bedtime bottle and you did even better, taking a little more than 2 of the 3 ounces given.

You love to cuddle after feedings.  I love it too!
Personality traits: 
You are not a baby that likes to be woken up to get things done.  We learned this quickly in the hospital.  You feed so much better when you wake yourself up.  If I try to wake you up, you just resist the boob.
You are so contnet (knock on wood).  You cry for 3 things: when hungry, when you need a diaper change and at bath...really these are the only times I have heard you cry. 

A mommy note:  Breastfeeding started out a bit rough at the hospital, but once I figured out 2 things, it has been sooth sailing since!  One, I need to use a nipple shield.  When the second mom and baby nurse brought it in, you instantly took to the breast and have continued to do so since.  Second, you must be the one to wake yourself up for feedings (sometimes this means you go 4 hours between feedings) but you are a good eater and the pediatrician says not to worry.
I began pumping after/between feedings on Monday as my milk came in and by Wednesday night I had 27 ounces 2 small bottles in the fridge to use at bedtime feedings!  Yay for me!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mia's here!

39 weeks...Induction day!

At my 38 week appointment (August 10) I was 50-70% effaced (a little more than the week before) and 0 dilated.  My doctor informed me that for first time moms, this was opposite (they usually dilate and then efface.)  She said that she believed once I started dilating that it could move quickly and she didn’t think I would make it to my due date.  She then also informs me that she will be going out of town August 19-24!  My due date was the 24!  She brings up the idea of induction…not in a pushy “Let’s do it” kind of way, but in an “I want you to be comfortable and with a doctor you know” way.  She suggests that my appointment for next week be on Tuesday, since Wednesday would be 39 weeks and I could do the induction then if I decide.  Keith and I discussed and both felt that be comfortable with the doctor there was important to the both of us.  So induction it was.  My biggest fear was that I would need an epidural being given pitocin, but I was trying my best not to focus on that.

At my almost 39 week appointment (August 16) I was about 70% effaced and a fingertip dilated.  The hospital called and Keith and I would be going in on August 17 at 6:45 pm to start the cervadil overnight.  Wednesday was a crazy day, just waiting.  Kalla had gotten into town on Tuesday night, so her and Kynlee came and visited us that afternoon.  We used Kynlee to teach Keith how to change a diaper and swaddle.
At 6:45pm on Wednesday, August 17, we checked into the hospital.  By 9:15 pm (after a wait to get in the room and the pharmacy taking their sweet time) the cervadil was put in and we were told that I had to lie on my side for the next 1.5 hours.  At his point I start getting really sleepy, finally 10:45 came along and I asked to use the bathroom.  Once that was done I was out!  At around 1:00 am, my nurse comes in and asks if I am feeling any contractions.  I say no and she explains that I am having them every 1-2 minutes, which is causing the baby some distress at times because everything is happening so quickly (I was on constant monitoring because I was able to sleep with the belt on and this way they didn’t have to wake me to put them on every hour.)  She says that she had called my doctor and I was to go on fluids to see if this would help slow the contractions.  From this point on sleep was out the window!  Nurses came in every hour to check on me (blood pressure, fluid level, monitors) and I had to keep peeing like no other (and dragging the IV pole with me.)  Keith luckily slept through this all!  By morning the contractions had slowed a little, but I was given another bag of fluids at a slower drip just in case.

Finally at 9:15 am, Thursday, August 18, 2011, the cervadil comes out and I get to take a shower (which was so relaxing!)  At 9:45 am, the pitocin is started and shortly after my water is broken (all clear!)  Now here is where the fun began…contractions came almost immediately (I could feel them and the leaking from my bags breaking).  Keith and I just kind of talk and I try to rest since I didn’t get much sleep (but sleep was even harder being able to feel the contractions.  Sometime between 11:00 am-12:00 pm, Kalla and Sara get to the hospital.  By this time things had started to pick up and I was not so enjoyable or talkative.  Contractions were coming regularly with little time in between and I still had to pee all the time because of the fluids.  Around 2:00ish (I really had no sense of time at this point), I was exhausted and said that I couldn’t do this anymore and I just wanted a break.  Keith really stepped up here and reminded me to breathe through the contractions and do low moans (this was a birthing class technique.)  At first I felt kind of funny making moaning noises, but Keith started doing them with me and it instantly forced me to focus and concentrate not on the discomfort, but on relaxing as much as possible.  By this point I was 5-6 cm dilated.  The next 2 hours were just moaning, breathing, and going to the bathroom. At this point the nurse kept reminding me to tell her when I had rectum pressure (a sign that it was time!)  At around 4:00 pm, I grabbed Keith and told him to page the nurse because I needed to be checked now!  The nurse came in and I’m pretty sure she did not think we were there yet, but she did the exam and said 10 cm!  Then she tells me she will call the doctor and get the room ready and we can begin pushing to relieve the pressure.  About 15-20 minutes late (4:15-4:30ish) we start pushing.

It felt like we just kept pushing and pushing and pushing.  Everyone says things are happening but I didn’t feel any different.  The nurse then says that the baby is coming down slightly crooked (with her head turned to the side a bit.) She tells me to lie on my left side and push through a few contractions like this.  I hated this position!  It did not feel natural and it was hard to relax my legs in between contractions.  After a little while my doctor arrives and we go back to the sitting position for pushing…I felt so much better at this time.  My doctor begins walking around the room and walks behind my back and says to the nurse, “She is really doing this with no epidural?”  At first I thought she doubted that I could do this and then explained that she had never seen someone so calm and collected this far into labor without an epidural (I did not feel calm or collected).  Finally, my doctor gets ready as baby is so close to crowning and I am pretty much pushing straight through each contraction.
This picture says it all...sheer exhaustion and pure excitement! (Photo by Kalla)
Keith cutting the cord. (Photo by Kalla)
Thursday, August 17, 2011 5:58 pm comes and Mia Elizabeth Laren is placed on my chest!  Beautiful and crying, I am ecstatic (and surprisingly I did not cry, I just kept saying “Hi, Mia!” and touching her little hands.)  I hold her as Keith cuts the cord and the nurse asks about the bath, which initially I wanted to delay, but my doctor says she is delivering the placenta and then can stitch me up, so I decide now is a good time for baby to go!  Keith and Sara go with her and Kalla goes to tell the grandmas that baby is here!  I delivered the placenta 6 minutes after Mia was born and felt no contractions or discomfort at this.  The doctor then begins to stitch me up (a second degree tear and a smaller tear, plus a hematoma from where her crooked head was pushing up against me.)  All this time, my doctor is still raving at how calm and collected I was for going natural.
Daddy and Mia (Photo by Sara)
The three of us right after birth.  I don't think my smile could get any bigger! (Photo by Kalla)
When Mia is cleaned up (weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches), I sat and watched as Keith held and cuddled her.  Honestly, it was a better feeling that having seen her after labor.  Keith had always been tentative around babies and with Mia it all came naturally, no hesitation, just wanting to be close to her.   
The three of us!  She is a keeper! (Photo by Sara)
Once I was stitched up, Mia and Keith joined me at the bed and we just adored her together…it didn’t matter who else was in the room, we just sat and enjoyed each other.  We tried breastfeeding within the first hour, but she was not interested and I was reminded that for the first 24 hours it was not a huge deal for her to feed, as she still had plenty of nutrients!
Kisses for my baby (Photo by Sara)
Such a cute face!
All bundled up! (Photo by Sara)

Including the cervadil being administered, I was in labor for just over 20 hours (8 hours of labor not counting the cervadil.)  Labor itself, I would not describe as painful, but as uncomfortable.  I just couldn’t find one position that felt good.  My favorite (which was leaning on the ball) would have been impossible because of the constant monitoring and the location of my hep-lock.  Keith was the best support I could ever have.  He kept me focused and stable, I never suspected that he was scared or didn’t know what to do (he later informed me that it was the hardest thing ever to watch me go through this.)  He just kept telling me how strong I was and how incredibly proud of me he was.  Having Kalla and Sara there was amazing, even though I didn’t focus on them much, but I knew that if Keith had needed something they were right there to help.  Kalla was also great at making me try to vocalize what it was I needed or wanted during labor (though most of the time I had no idea.)  I honestly found pushing to be less painful, than labor.  With the pushing I had some type of control over what was happening, where as labor just took over my body (I know that for most reading this, that is probably a crazy statement to make.)

Every pain, ache, discomfort I faced the last 9 months was totally worth it, to now be able to hold Mia in my arms!

Visit from Ricky
Visit from your little friend, Haddassah
Your Nana (great grandma)

Going home!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

38 weeks

38 weeks, 5 days...August 15, 2011

38 weeks, 6 days...August 16, 2011
At 38 weeks...
*I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life...from my feet to my back to my butt, not one body part feels good!  I keep telling myself it's all worth it for you!
*I saw the doctor 2 times this exactly 38 weeks, still not dilated, but more effaced...Doctor mentions going out of town from August 19-24 (MY DUE DATE!).  She brings up induction, not to be pushy but as a way of guaranteeing she's here and I do not get stuck with a doctor I do not know.  At first I'm like whatever we will be fine, but then the idea does make me uncomfortable and I want familiarity (I DO NOT like change!)  So we say we will discuss it next week and she wants to see me Tuesday, not Wednesday.
*Work is much more challenging and on Monday, August 15, I have my last day!  Bittersweet and weird at the same time...Tuesday all I can think about is what they are doing at work, what needs to be done, etc. (this makes me sound like I need a life!)
*Tuesday I go into the doctor...not yet fully effaced and about 1 cm we set up induction trying to go in that night, but the hospital is to full to guarantee a bed, so we schedule for 8:00 pm on Wednesday evening.  I can finally say you are coming!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

37 weeks

At 37 weeks...
*Birthing classes are complete and our birth plan written!
*My feet officially have swollen out of most of my new shoes and I bought an ugly pair with velcro adjustable straps to wear to work!
*The doctor said that my cervix is thinning and you are in a good pelvic position...basically any day now it's just a waiting game!  What have the last 9 months been?
*We are all anxious to meet you!  Not a day goes by that someone does not comment on waiting to see what you look like...I hope you are healthy and the rest will just be wonderful.
*Your Aunt Kalla is anxious for your arrival and has big plans for getting me to go into labor if I haven't already by the time she gets here!
*YOUR NURSERY IS FINISHED and I am in a big time nesting mood...I cleaned the bathroom at 7:30 am one morning!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mia's Nursery

Mia's nursery is 95% complete!  We are just waiting for my mom to finish the crib quilt and Kalla will be bringing a rocking chair that was my grandma's when she comes down!

Here's a picture tour...

View from the door...the floor blanket is from Sara, that she found at a thrift store...the colors are perfect!  It is great for holding our leap pad activity table.

This is Mia's closet/dresser.  Toy storage is under the hanging clothes and extra books stored on top.  Baby picture collage of Keith and I from our shower sits on top.  Next to the swing will be our rocking chair once Kalla brings it.

The futon where we can sleep if we need to be close.  All of the paintings and wall decor that inspired the decor, plus her vintage clothes.
Her dresser which holds blankets, sheets, burp clothes, bibs, and diapers!  Plus her book wall.

Her crib which was Caidan's.  The crib skirt is a window curtain that Sara had brought.  The bumper pad was made by Gigi (Betsy's mom) and will have a matching crib quilt and bed afghan soon.

Close-up view of the inside of the the bright colors of the bumper pad.  Her soothing giraffe also hangs in the corner.

View of the door from the inside...her name on the door.  The doll cradle and chair were Betsy's that a family friend had made.  The cradle is perfect for holding more blankets!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

36 weeks

At 36 weeks...
*You began dropping...and I was able to remember what it felt like to breathe again.
*I had my first "check" at the doctor's office, now that I go every week...nothing happening (good to hear because it's early, disappointing because I want you to be here!)
*We had another ultrasound to check your positioning and size.  You are in perfect head's down position and estimate weight if I carry to 40 weeks...8-8.5 pounds.  Your head is measuring on the big side and arms/legs on the short side.  Your daddy saw your face and even agreed this time that you have his nose.  Plus the tech showed us all the hair follicles on your head!
*Sleep is a struggle.  I am just so big and uncomfortable that it is a struggle to get comfortable and feel good.  Plus all the potty breaks are getting to be too much!
*My favorite part of 36 weeks? with Aunt Sara, who as always, did an AMAZING JOB!  Below is just a quick preview!