Saturday, May 28, 2011

26 weeks

At 26 weeks...
*According to the doctor you are measuring perfectly.  Though the student could not work the scale and told me I had gained 8 pounds in 4 weeks...I ignored her.
*We passed the glucose test, clean bill of health!
*You are a mover.  Bedtime has become a bit uncomfortable as it takes a while to get situated,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

25 weeks & a baby shower!

At 25 weeks...
*You are a mover and groover, but when your daddy tries to feel, you become stubborn & stop!
*We had our first baby shower!  Mommy's work friends and our family gave us a lot of gifts...though some people gave us pink!
*Your Aunt Sara planned an amazing shower and we had lots of fun!
The table pics of mommy & daddy included
Opening gifts...your Gigi & Grandma P. thought buying me pink was hilarious!
Mommy's work friends...Miranda, Jilly, MJ, & Callie, plus Denise
The food...OJ, muffins, fruit skewers, DEVILED EGGS!
More baby pics of mommy & daddy

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

24 weeks

At 24 weeks...
*I feel you move a lot.  Thumps, bumps, kicks, and Mia Elizabeth Laren are quite a mover.  I can appreciate, though that you are pretty calm while I's much appreciated!
*I feel huge!  The heat makes me uncomfortable and we are just into spring...this will be a hot summer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

23 weeks

At 23 weeks...
*I can feel you move quite a bit...tumbling and rolling all around.
*You discovered that my ribs are perfect punching bags and that my bladder makes a great trampoline!  Luckily you do this during the day and we have established quite a good routine at sleeping, only waking for potty breaks.
*Last night I saw my stomach move.  I felt this "itch" and went to rub it, only to see a little poking coming from my stomach...too bad your daddy wasn't home to see it too!
*I've slowly been able to eat fried foods again...yeah for bacon!
*Nesting is starting to set in...though conquering the mess in your room is slow to progress!